Save 50% on your furniture purchase

  • The furniture bonus has also been extended for 2024 with the new budget law.
  • The maximum deductible amount is €5,000.00; for example, with an expenditure of €5,000.00, you get a deduction of €2,500.00 over 10 years.
  • The tax discount applies to the purchase of new furniture and appliances with an energy class not lower than class A for ovens, class E for washing machines, washer-dryers, and dishwashers, class F for refrigerators and freezers, as detectable from the energy label.

Requirements for the 2024 furniture bonus

  • To take advantage of the benefit, it is necessary that the start date of the works precedes the date on which expenses for the purchase of furniture and large appliances are incurred. The start date can be proven by any administrative authorizations or communications required by building regulations, by prior notification to the ASL (indicating the start date of the works), if mandatory, or, for works for which no communications or housing titles are necessary, by a substitute declaration of notoriety (Article 47 of Legislative Decree 445/2000).
  • Payment can be made by Ordinary Bank Transfer (the dedicated transfer is no longer mandatory) or by Credit Card from the current account owned by the individual to whom the renovation application is addressed.
  • The deduction is allowed even if the goods are purchased with installment financing, provided that the company providing the financing pays the consideration using the same methods mentioned above and the taxpayer has a copy of the payment receipt.


  • The taxpayer who carries out renovation works on multiple real estate units is entitled to the benefit multiple times. The maximum amount of expenditure refers to each residential unit subject to renovation.
  • The 2024 furniture bonus is recognized only when the start date of the renovation precedes the purchase of the goods.


To avoid errors in carrying out the procedure, we recommend that you contact your trusted accountant who will be better able to guide you through the bureaucratic process.


Loyalty Program



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